Script for Creating user in oracle Apps R12
You can create user in oracle from front end directly, but user can be created only if you are having Sysadmin responsibility.What if you don't have Sysadmin responsibility. but you have full back-end access (APPS access), then by running following script you can create your user from PL/SQL developer.DECLARE
v_user_name VARCHAR2 (100) := upper('User_Name'); /*Enter your username*/
v_description VARCHAR2 (100) := 'NEW User';
(x_user_name => v_user_name,
x_owner => NULL,
x_unencrypted_password => 'Password', /*Enter password*/
x_session_number => 0,
x_start_date => SYSDATE,
x_end_date => NULL,
x_last_logon_date => NULL,
x_description => v_description,
x_password_date => NULL,
x_password_accesses_left => NULL,
x_password_lifespan_accesses => NULL,
x_password_lifespan_days => NULL,
x_employee_id => NULL,
x_email_address => NULL,
x_fax => NULL,
x_customer_id => NULL,
x_supplier_id => NULL,
x_user_guid => NULL,
x_change_source => NULL