PO base tables in oracle apps R12


This is the Purchase Order Headers Table in Oracle Apps. Here below you will find po_headers_all table columns details.
We can find the po number in po_headers_all in Segment1 Column of PO_HEADERS_ALL table.
This table have information's like PO Number, PO Type , Vendor Id ,Vendor Site Id, Currency ,PO Status.


Here's Below we can find po_lines_all table description
This is the PO Lines Tables in Oracle Apps. In This Table We have Item Id , Qty , Item Description ,UOM , UNIT_PRICE and many other important Columns.


This Contains PO distributions Data. It handles the GL Account for the Line and Ship to locations too.


This is the PO Lines Tables in Oracle Apps. In This Table We have Item Id , Qty , Item Description ,UOM , UNIT_PRICE and many other important Columns. This table also provide information about total received qty against PO line and Total Invoiced Quantity too.