Oracle Apps Technical interview questions

1—how we can create multi reports in xml publishers Ans:subtemplate

 2—how to print multi currency,multi language in xml: using xliff file(transalation)

 3—what are the validations in sql*loader : infile,datafile,begindata(when we write infile*),logfile,discarded file,badfile,when clause,TRAILING NULLCOLS 

 4—where u can get data file : flat file(.csv,.dat,.txt) placed on any path of server

 5—where u r putting control file and where the bad file discard file generated : put control file in bin folder of custom top(generally),The directory parameter                 specifies a directory path to which the bad and discard file will be written.

6—how to print external date in xmlp - using xdosdlt command=<?xdoxslt:current_date($_XDOLOCALE, $_XDOTIMEZONE)?> or <?xdoxslt:sysdate(‘DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI’)?> 

 7—in data file fields terminated by different sybals how you can write code in ctrl file - field termin=taed by '|' or ','

8—how to use date function in sql*loader -      PUBLISH_AMPM EXPRESSION "TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'AM')" or DATE "TO_DATE(:HIRE_DATE,'DD-MON-YY')") 

9—which path u have used in sql*loader - bin or vartemp

 10—what are utl file triggers - FOPEN,FCLOSE,FCOPY,FCLOSE_ALL,FREMOVE,FRENAME(same MV in unix)

 11—where u can find errorbuf ret code - dirst two mandatetory parameter of any procedure as errbuf,retcode

12 how we can know weather procedure is successfully executed from backend - state as VALID

13—data file contains how many levels - N/A => db serever(db+ora home),insatnce specific files,appln server(appl+common)

 14—what kind of errors u got in discard file - errorr dur to data,datatypes, oracle errors

15—how you can skip the records in thr middle of data file and end of data file - using skip commond (eg.OPTIONS(skip=1,bindsize=1048576,rows=1024))
if multiple files then use skip but run sqlldr twice OR use when clause to check end of first file or start of second.

 16—invoice created and send to the gl but we don’t know the invoice number how we can know - CCID and GL_POSTED_DATE column in ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all table
17—where u devlop -interface program local syst or server system-server
 18—how we can know how many receipts are created for a po - po_header_id,po_line_id,po_distribution_id

19—after completion of po interface into base table how we can see etair line header info in single table. - in po_lines_all

20—how to save a workflow in database in short cut? Can we delete workflow how -yes

 21—what are the common errors in workflow - notification mailer down,attribute not provided
22—strong cursor and weak cursor - return type known and not known until o/p of cursor come

23—what is external table where we will use - ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL keyword after create table, 3rd party uses non-oracle ERP.

24—we have 50 record while printing in rdf report we have print 10 records per page how u can do - declare varible nad initialize it with 0, get variable count and increament it,when count is 10 use "split-by-page-break" tag

25—what is the difference between workflow and oracle alert 

A.Oracle Alert is a database event detection tool designed to detect database events.
B.Oracle Alert does contain some workflow type features such as response processing, that allow a sequence of actions to be taken depending on a users response to a message. (Example : Approval sequence)

A.Oracle workflow is designed to manage the execution complex of business processes that result from database events.
B.Oracle Workflows response processing capabilities are more advanced than Oracle Alert.

26—hot to implement muli org in interface approach - "MO: Security Profile" can be set at Site and Responsibility level.
 27—while loading records if the records no>=10 then all the records should be discarder,then error message populated how you can achieve

 28—while picking the sales aorder qty is there in shipping there is no qty then what u will you will do 

29—what is the next step after back order 

30—if we do any modification in po_headers_v is it effects the base tables 

31—what is tca architecture 

32—where we can see the invoice payment 

33—when selection existing customer in om what you will do 

34—how to pass the values for the variables in api. 

35—can we use look up values instead of profile options. 

35—how to create ldt lct files? usimf fndload or XDO command(unix command)

36—how to tranfor on file from one instance to another instance?(throgh unix using sftp)-
sftp -oIdentityFile=$lv_key_file $lv_rem_user@$lv_rem_server <<EOF
mput file1 dest_path